Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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combine to bring or join together into a whole.
computer an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed.
dramatically to a large or impressive degree; sharply; significantly.
flutter to wave rapidly back and forth or up and down.
handy nearby; easy to reach and use.
mansion a large, grand, expensive home.
prevention the act or process of keeping something unwanted or dangerous from happening.
quest a search or pursuit.
raspy rough and grating; harsh.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
scribble to write quickly or carelessly; scrawl.
tournament a contest of skill including a series of games where those who lose one game may no longer take part.
trigger to cause, begin, or set off.
twirl to cause to spin or revolve quickly; rotate.
variety change or difference; diversity.