Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bother to annoy or give trouble to.
contest a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize; competition.
diner one who eats a meal.
junior of a lower position or rank.
news information about important events happening in the present. The news is presented on television or radio or in a newspaper or magazine.
outfit a set of clothes.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
piece a section or part separated from the whole.
rent the regular payment that you give to the owner of a property for the use of a space.
report a statement or story about something that has happened.
shallow not deep.
smooth not rough; even.
soldier a person who serves in the army and who is not an officer.
spool an object shaped like a cylinder with a rim on each end. Thread, tape, wire, and film are wound on spools.
sunny having weather in which the sky is blue and clouds do not block the light of the sun.