Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aberrant straying from what is normal or usual; atypical; anomalous.
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
clemency the inclination to be merciful or forgiving; leniency.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
felon1 a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary, as opposed to a misdemeanor.
indefatigable persisting tirelessly; untiring.
inviolate not broken, disturbed, or profaned; pure or intact.
labyrinthine complex and intricate to the point of being puzzling.
pivotal critically important or crucial; on which something is contingent.
profiteer a person who gains excessive profits, especially by selling scarce commodities at very high prices.
reconstitute to put together or form again.
slough2 to shed or discard; rid oneself of.
solemnity the condition or quality of being grave or serious.
untainted not contaminated or polluted.
vanguard the leading or foremost position or part of a movement or force; forefront.