Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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brag to speak in a way that is too proud about something you do or have.
code a set of rules or laws.
dark having little or no light.
flour the ground meal of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, cake, and other foods.
forward toward a place or time that is further on or in the future; ahead.
hamburger ground meat, or a round flat mass of ground meat that is cooked and served on bread.
hope a feeling or chance that something that you want to happen will happen.
icy covered with ice.
legend a story or group of stories that have been handed down from a time long ago and that many people in a society know but cannot prove to be true or untrue.
parent a mother or a father.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
plot1 the story line or order of events in a book, play, or movie.
punish to cause someone to experience a thing that is painful or not pleasant because he or she did something wrong.
soak to make completely wet; drench.
stand to hold your body upright by using your legs and feet, or to move to this position.