Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, especially by additions from the outside.
agog highly excited and full of anticipation.
avow to assert or affirm.
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
commodious comfortably spacious; roomy.
divergence the act of separating and moving or leading in different directions.
fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
hagiography an admiring and uncritical biography of anyone.
ingenuous having or showing simplicity and lack of sophistication; artless.
insinuate to suggest (something derogatory) subtly and indirectly.
insularity the condition of being closed to new ideas or outside influences; narrow-mindedness.
malaise a state or condition of feeling generally unwell, mentally depressed, sluggish, or uneasy.
quondam having been in the past; former.
Saturnalia an occasion of unrestrained revelry.
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").