Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
barefoot with nothing on the feet.
barrel a large round container with a flat top and bottom that is used to keep liquids. Barrels are often made of wood.
breath the air that goes into and out of the body through the nose or mouth.
calendar a page or set of pages that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
due required or expected to arrive.
holder an object used for holding.
horror a strong feeling of fear or shock.
relationship a connection between people.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.
suddenly without warning, often causing surprise or fear.
though used to connect two parts of a sentence when the meaning of one part seems to disagree with the other.
tow to pull along at the end of a rope or chain.
yank (informal) to pull or take out suddenly; jerk.