Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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beguile to deceive or cheat by using guile.
bifurcation the act or result of dividing into two branches, or the state of being so divided.
contemptible deserving of scorn or moral disgust; disgraceful; dishonorable.
dissolution the annulment or severance of a bond or tie, especially a formal or contractual connection.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
frivolous unworthy of serious consideration or merit; trivial or silly.
habitable capable of being lived in.
inquisition an official inquiry, especially for the purpose of enforcing political, social, or religious conformity.
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer.
officiate to function as a priest or minister in a religious ceremony.
patriarch a man who is the leader of a family or tribe.
repugnance strong dislike, distaste, or aversion.
retaliate to strike back; take revenge.
stupefy to astound or bedazzle.