Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
assistant a person who gives help or aid.
balance a state in which opposite forces are equal.
coil to wind into circles.
columnist a writer who regularly writes opinion or comments on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine.
custom a way of acting that is usual or accepted for a person or a social group.
discuss to talk together about.
flutter to wave rapidly back and forth or up and down.
limit the point at which something ends; a boundary or border.
middle-class of or pertaining to the segment of people in a society who are neither of high rank or low rank with respect to wealth or social status.
paralyze to make unable to move or to feel any sensation.
payment an amount that is paid.
suspicious causing questions or doubt.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
trough a long narrow open container used for serving food or water to animals.