Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clinic a place that gives medical treatment, usually to people who do not need to stay in a hospital overnight.
concentrate to bring together; focus.
gash a long and deep cut, such as a wound.
intrude to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome.
ordinary usual or normal.
parade a public procession of people, marching bands, or vehicles in front of spectators as part of a celebration or ceremony.
pledge a serious promise; vow.
recall to bring a past event into the mind; remember.
sputter to spit out saliva or bits of food while speaking in a fast or excited way.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
tribal of or relating to a group of people having the same ancestors, customs, and other characteristics.
unknown not familiar, or not figured out.
various of different kinds; diverse.
weary tired in body or mind; fatigued.
whereas while in contrast.