Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clench to close tightly shut.
combination the result of an act of putting things together or mixing them.
confide to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in").
confusion the state of not understanding clearly or of being mixed up.
considerate thoughtful of the feelings and needs of others.
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the way that something is put together or appears in the end because of the way it was planned.
distress a state of great need or trouble.
idle not active or in use; not working.
molten made liquid by very high heat.
relate to tell the story of.
scoundrel a wicked person; villain.
selfish concerned only with oneself and not concerned about others.
stammer to speak in an anxious or uncertain way. People who stammer often repeat sounds and stop between words.
tax a sum of money paid to a government, which the government uses to pay for its services to the people and to maintain itself.
undertow a strong current of ocean water moving in the opposite direction from the waves moving toward shore.