Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accost to confront and speak first to, often aggressively.
amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit.
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
depersonalize to cause to lose individual identity or characteristics.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
experimentation the act, process, or practice of running tests or trials.
lummox (informal) someone who is especially clumsy, slow, and unintelligent.
maternal of, having to do with, or like a mother.
ravish to overwhelm with emotion or sensation; enrapture.
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.
succulent full of juice or sap; juicy.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.
venerate to treat or regard with great respect, honor, or reverence.
zenith the highest point; peak.