Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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amortize to deduct (expenditures) by fixed amounts over a period of time.
berate to reproach or scold severely.
bereft deprived or stripped of something.
comity mutual courtesy and respectful treatment among people or nations.
denigrate to deny the worth of; sneer at; belittle.
encomium a formal expression of praise.
feckless weak or incompetent; ineffective.
highbrow one who has or pretends to have highly sophisticated intellectual and cultural interests and tastes (often used disparagingly).
inanition a state of exhaustion caused by a lack of nourishment.
malfeasance an illegal act or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
obfuscate to make (something) seem or be difficult to understand; obscure or darken.
raffish carelessly unconventional or disreputable, sometimes appealingly so.
rodomontade puffed-up boasting or bravado.
stipple a method of painting, drawing, or engraving by applying small points, dots, or dabs to a surface.