Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrative of or pertaining to matters of management or to people involved in the daily running of institutions or businesses.
balk to stop suddenly and refuse to go on.
contaminate to make dirty, polluted, or not usable by touching or by adding something to.
cryptic difficult to understand; ambiguous or mysterious in meaning.
decisive able to make firm decisions or end arguments.
deflate to cause to shrink or collapse by letting out air or gas.
deform to damage the shape or form of.
dismal full of gloom; sad.
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
inaccurate not correct, true, or exact.
incline to slope or slant.
intensify to make stronger, more acute, or more intense.
render to cause to become; make.
tranquillity the condition or quality of being peaceful, untroubled, or calm; serenity.
trivial not valuable or important; insignificant.