Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bog an area of soft, wet earth; marsh.
component a part of something.
distortion the act of distorting or condition of being distorted.
herald a person who conveys or announces official news; messenger.
hybrid the offspring of two plants or animals that are of different species or breeds.
inconsistent not following a regular pattern; variable.
intuitive having or resulting from the ability to know or apprehend without using the process of logical thought or reasoning.
membrane a thin layer of tissue found in living things. Some kinds of membranes cover the outside or inside of organs. Other membranes separate or connect different parts of the body.
organizational of or relating to organization or an organization.
qualitative of or concerning the nature or attributes of something, as opposed to its amount. (Cf. quantitative.)
restrict to keep within limits.
rivet a metal bolt that pins metal plates or other objects together.
thermal using, resulting from, or producing heat.
verdict the decision of a judge or jury in a law case.
vulnerable able to be hurt or injured.