Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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apartment one or more rooms that people live in and that are part of a building.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
golden having a shiny, deep yellow color.
invitation the act of asking someone in a polite way to come to something or do something.
jug a container for liquids. A jug usually has a handle and a narrow part for pouring.
league a group of people who have joined together for a special purpose.
measure to find out the exact size of something.
messenger a person who carries and delivers messages and packages.
mixture something that is made by two or more things that are mixed together.
natural of or produced by nature.
notebook a book of blank pages to keep notes in.
scene the place where any event takes place.
shore the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
snowflake a single flake of snow.
wage (often plural) money paid at regular times to a person for doing work.