Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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capacity the amount that can be held in a particular space.
casino a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, especially gambling games.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
enlist to sign up to serve in the military or in some cause.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
helm a wheel or lever used for steering a ship.
hieroglyphic a picture or symbol that stands for a word or sound; single hieroglyphic symbol.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
minimal of, pertaining to, or being the smallest or least possible in quantity, degree, or size.
particularly to an unusual degree; more than other things in a group.
prone having the habit of; being likely to.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
traction the grip or holding power of a body moving on a surface.
violate to break or fail to keep.