Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancient very old; existing for many years.
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim.
elastic able to stretch easily without breaking and then return to original form.
hesitation the act of pausing because of not feeling sure.
international having to do with two or more countries or with what happens between two or more countries.
journal a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary.
lance a weapon with a long pole and pointed metal head.
network a system that involves a number of persons or groups.
pressure a steady force upon a surface.
recover to get back.
repetition the act or process of doing or saying again.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
tantrum a violent, noisy outburst of angry temper.
widen to make or become broader.
wither to dry up or wilt.