Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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able having the power or knowledge to do something.
bitter having a strong taste that is neither sweet nor sour.
bounce to spring back or up after hitting against a surface.
change to make different.
cup a small, open container used for drinking.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
doorway the way of entrance into a room or building.
ladder a structure with steps that you use to climb up to high places. You can move a ladder from one place to another.
love a strong feeling of liking and caring about another person that usually causes a deep desire to be physically close to that person.
movement a motion or way of moving.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
shield a large, flat piece of strong material carried on the arm for protection.
sort kind or type.
spice a substance from a plant that has a special taste. Spices are used to add flavor to food and drink.
warn to tell of a possible danger.