Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
complementary acting or serving to complete; completing.
comprise to be made up of; consist of.
conclude to bring to an end; finish or complete.
despicable worthy of hatred or contempt; worthless; low.
dictate to state or order with authority.
dividend the number to be divided by another number in math equations.
engage to get or hold the interest of; occupy.
inflame to stir up or intensify.
kinship the state or fact of being a relative or relatives, especially by birth.
questionnaire a form that asks for one's opinions about something or for small pieces of information about oneself or one's household.
saga a medieval Nordic or Icelandic prose narrative, especially one describing the historical or legendary exploits of a single person or family.
stimulation the act or process of inciting or increasing activity or action in something.
supplementary additional; extra.
taut tightly drawn, pulled, or stretched; not loose.