Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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arrive to come to or reach a certain place.
boil1 the state of a liquid when it reaches a certain temperature and starts to turn into a gas.
buddy (informal) friend.
button a small, round, flat thing that fastens clothing by fitting through a hole.
flock a group of animals or birds of one kind that stay or are kept together.
greet to use words or simple actions that show pleasure or respect when you meet someone or start a letter.
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, or the amount gathered.
loud having a large amount of sound.
model a small copy of something.
nut a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell.
railroad a road of two connected steel bars along which trains move, or a system of transportation that uses these roads.
safe providing protection from harm, loss, or damage; not dangerous.
shape the form of the outer surface or edge of an object.
spice a substance from a plant that has a special taste. Spices are used to add flavor to food and drink.
trap to catch and not let escape.