Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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anxious feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain.
blunder a silly or careless mistake.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
coordinator a person who organizes a complex event or project that involves the contributions of other people.
correctly in the right or proper way; without error.
decrease to become less or smaller.
diversity the state or condition of being varied or consisting of various kinds.
dungeon a dark, damp, underground jail.
glum in low spirits; sad or gloomy.
possession the act or condition of having or owning something.
raspy rough and grating; harsh.
submerge to put underwater or in some other liquid.
undertow a strong current of ocean water moving in the opposite direction from the waves moving toward shore.
weaken to make weak or weaker; to cause (something) to be less strong.
weekly done, happening, or printed once a week.