Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adherence the act or condition of holding to or following closely.
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usually followed by to or after).
characterize to describe the particular character or qualities of; give certain characteristics to.
compression the act or process of pressing down on or together, causing flattening or condensing.
indicator a person or thing that points to or signals something.
integration the process of bringing all parts together into a whole.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
naval having to do with a navy or its ships.
obsolete no longer in use.
peril the condition of being in danger or at risk.
plague a deadly disease, sudden invasion of harmful insects, or any terrible thing that harms many people.
preen to dress and groom oneself with great care and satisfaction; primp.
render to cause to become; make.
seismic of, concerning, or resulting from an earthquake.
wrought worked, done, put together, or shaped.