Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
diagram a drawing or plan that shows the parts of something or how the parts work together.
frozen changed into a solid or made hard by freezing.
great very large in size or number.
inspector one who inspects, usually as a job for pay.
learn to get knowledge about something through study or experience.
never not at any time; not at all.
quiet making little or no noise.
rib one of the set of bones that curve around the chest of a person or animal.
route a road or way of travel from one place to another.
saucer a small dish used for holding a cup.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
silver a shiny, soft, white metal that is valuable and used to make jewelry and coins.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.