Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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allegiance loyalty or dedication to a person, country, or belief.
ally to join or unite for a particular purpose (usually followed by "to" or "with").
audition a performance that tests the ability of an actor, musician, or dancer.
fake to make a false copy of.
friendship the relationship of people of who know and like each other.
gallery a building used to display or sell art.
item a single, particular thing in a group or list.
muffle to make quieter by using a covering of some sort.
origin the point or place from which something comes; source.
range the two points or limits between which something can vary, or the distance between the limits.
residential used as a home or as a place for homes.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
throb to beat or pulse quickly and strongly.
transform to change the form, look, or shape of.
vehicle something used to carry and move people or things.