Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ally to join or unite for a particular purpose (usually followed by "to" or "with").
architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
coma a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
compare to note or describe the similarities or differences of.
complicate to make more difficult to do or understand.
deny to say that something is not true; refuse to agree with.
discover to find or see before anyone else.
entertainment something that amuses or interests.
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt.
mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained.
prowl to move around slowly and secretly, like an animal looking for prey.
relax to make looser or less stiff.
ridicule talk or actions that make unkind fun of someone or something.
tighten to make more secure or more securely fastened.
trudge to walk in a heavy way with much effort or weariness.