Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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apartment one or more rooms that people live in and that are part of a building.
calendar a page or set of pages that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
caution care and attention to safety.
diner one who eats a meal.
draw to make a picture with a pen, pencil, or other writing tool.
flour the ground meal of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, cake, and other foods.
happen to take place; occur.
invite to ask in a polite way to go somewhere or do something.
joke a short story with a funny ending that is told to make people laugh.
meet to see and begin to know someone; be introduced to.
mineral a pure, hard substance in the earth that does not come from an animal or a plant.
natural of or produced by nature.
pavement the hard surface on a road or other flat area.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
waterfall a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.