Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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arcade a covered passageway that has shops or places to play video or other games along the sides.
autobiography the story of a person's life written or told by that person.
complimentary expressing or giving praise.
depression a state of deep sadness or hopelessness that can persist for months or years and is not necessarily triggered by any particular external events.
fraud the use of lies or tricks to cheat or take advantage of in a way that is often against the law.
garrison a military force that is located in a fort, village, or similar place.
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack.
jeer to remark in a loud, mocking, abusive manner.
negotiate to bargain or come to an agreement with another person.
prohibition the act of forbidding.
quantify to find or express the number or amount of.
renaissance (capitalized) the revival of art, literature, and learning that began in Europe in the 1300s and lasted into the 1600s. During the Renaissance, scholars, writers, and artists took a great interest in the writings and ideas of classical culture.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.
unprecedented never before observed or experienced.
whet to sharpen the cutting edge of (a knife or tool); hone.