Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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admit to let in; allow to enter.
blanket a large piece of thick material used to keep oneself warm. Blankets are often made of wool.
breakfast the first meal of the day, which people usually eat in the morning.
crooked bent, curved, or twisting.
deep having a lot of space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back.
erase to remove by rubbing away.
escape to get free from something; to get away.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
powder a mass of fine, loose grains that are made when a solid material has been ground or crushed.
praise to speak well of.
silver a shiny, soft, white metal that is valuable and used to make jewelry and coins.
stare to look straight at something with your eyes open wide and not moving.
traveler someone who goes from one place to another, especially over a long distance.
waist the part of the body between the chest and hips.