Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amplitude the state or quality of being ample; largeness.
apocalypse any instance of terrible destruction and devastation, especially on a scale that could bring about an end to the world.
astral of, concerning, emanating from, or resembling the stars; stellar.
culpable guilty of a mistake or fault; blameworthy.
deferential respectfully submissive to the desires, opinions, or judgments of others.
disavow to deny having (knowledge, intention, or the like).
encroachment the act of exceeding proper or intended limits, as of territory or property.
hysteria in an individual or group, an uncontrollable outburst of fear or other emotions, producing fits of weeping, laughter, irrational behavior, or the like.
martinet a person who enforces very strict discipline, especially in the military.
mutable able or likely to change.
nadir the lowest or most depressing point or stage.
pollinate to move or carry pollen to a plant, causing the seeds to be fertilized.
poseur one who adopts an affected attitude or manner in order to impress others.
prowess great skill or talent; superior ability.
squabble to quarrel over trivial matters; bicker.