Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acquisition the act or process of obtaining or making one's own.
adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way.
cannibal an animal that eats its own species.
dissent to disagree with an opinion or belief held by many others.
exclude to leave out; keep out.
holistic handling or dealing with an entity in its entirety or wholeness rather than with emphasis on its parts or various aspects.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
kin the members of an extended family together; relatives.
prevail to emerge as dominant (often followed by "over").
provision the act of giving something needed; providing.
shun to keep away from or avoid on purpose.
synergy the combined action or power of two or more things.
systematic involving or based on a method or plan; not random or chaotic.
variation the act or process of changing, or the condition of being changeable.
viewpoint an opinion.