Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
clasp to grasp or grip with a hand or arm, or something like a hand or arm.
current of or happening in the present time.
deposit money that has been put in a bank, or anything that has been put somewhere and allowed to remain.
diary a daily record of a person's experiences and thoughts.
envy a feeling of wanting what someone else has.
failure the act of not succeeding or not doing.
hasten to move or act with speed; hurry.
haze mist, smoke, or dust in the air, making it hard to see.
interrupt to cause to stop; break off.
obey to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of.
series a group of related things that come one after another.
stroll to walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose.
within in the inner part of; inside.
worry to feel anxious, troubled, or uneasy.