Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alacrity willing promptness.
alleviate to make (trouble or pain) easier to tolerate or accept; ease.
apogee the highest or farthest point.
cessation a pausing or stopping; discontinuance.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness.
expedient suitable or advantageous for the purpose or in the circumstances.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
lewd characterized by vulgarity or offensively explicit sexual references; bawdy.
literal in accordance with the ordinary, exact, or primary meaning of a word or words; not figurative or metaphorical.
monolithic large, unyielding, and without diversity.
necessitate to make unavoidable; require.
obligatory required; compulsory.
scanty barely adequate; meager.
scapegoat one made to bear the blame for the wrongs of others.
verisimilitude the appearance or semblance of truth or reality.