Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annexation the act of taking and adding (territory) to one's own territory.
categorical with no exceptions or conditions; absolute.
dissertation a formal and usually lengthy exposition in speech or writing, especially a detailed report of research by a candidate for a doctoral degree.
euphemism the word or expression so substituted.
hypocrite a person who pretends to be different or better than he or she really is. Someone who does not act according to his or her stated beliefs is a hypocrite.
imbue to inspire or permeate, as with an idea or emotion; deeply influence.
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
menial lowly or degrading; servile.
odorous having or giving off a distinctive or strong smell.
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify.
permeable of a substance, being such that gas or liquid can penetrate or diffuse through it.
reciprocate to give (feelings or things) in return.
rite a formal ceremonial procedure prescribed or customary for a specific occasion, as in religious worship.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable.