Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ashamed feeling shame or guilt for doing something wrong or foolish.
authority the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people.
beware to be careful or wary (often used imperatively).
clench to close tightly shut.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
fertile producing or able to produce farm crops or other plant life.
frequency the number of times something happens within a certain period of time.
organic produced or producing naturally, without using pesticides or other added chemicals.
prey an animal that is hunted or caught for food, usually by another animal. Certain plants catch prey as well.
scheme a plan or plot.
scout a person, ship, or plane sent to spy or gather information.
scrawny very thin; skinny.
sufficient enough; as much as needed.
talented having a natural skill or gift in some activity.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.