Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
capture to take hold or gain control of by force or through planning.
float to rest on the surface of a liquid without sinking.
giant an imaginary being who looks like a person but has enormous size and strength.
interview a meeting between a person who has applied for a job and the person who is offering the job. The person who wants the job must answer questions about his or her experience and qualifications.
shoot to hit with a bullet or other thing that flies from a weapon.
slash to cut or strike with a strong, sweeping motion.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
target a thing that you aim at and want to hit.
textbook a book used for teaching a particular subject.
tie to fasten with something like a string or rope.
uphill on an upward slope or in an upward direction.
warn to tell of a possible danger.
water the clear liquid that is in rain and that fills up rivers, lakes, and oceans.
word a sound or group of sounds that has some meaning that other people can understand. Words are a basic unit of language.