Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
capitalism an economic system in which land, factories, and other resources are owned by individuals instead of the government. In this system, the prices of things we buy are decided by the people who sell them and not by the government.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
denomination a religious group or division.
fulfill to do or carry out as expected or required.
homicide the act of killing another person; murder.
horde a large number, group, or crowd.
knack a natural talent for something.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part.
offense the act of breaking a law or rule or doing something wrong; crime; sin.
progressive moving steadily forward.
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected.
stimulus something that causes or increases action, feeling, or thought.
taxonomy in biology, the system of classifying plants and animals by grouping them into categories according to their similarities.
transcend to go beyond or rise above (a common limitation).