Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acute sharp; severe.
approximation an estimate; guess.
bard in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry.
complementary acting or serving to complete; completing.
conquest the act or process of overcoming or defeating.
discard to throw out or away; cast off.
innocence freedom from guilt, blame, or fault.
instructional pertaining to or having the purpose of teaching or providing information on a topic.
involvement the state of having a role in or interest in.
mobility the quality of moving or being moved easily from place to place, or of having ease and flexibility of motion.
ordinance a regulation, law, decree, or rule, especially one issued by a city or town.
prim correct and proper beyond what is needed.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
signify to serve as a sign of; mean.
verge the border or edge of something.