Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bare wearing no clothing or covering; naked.
bathe to give a bath to; wash.
bus1 a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats that carries many people.
forever continuing for all time.
hallway a narrow passage in a house or building; corridor.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
mail letters, packages, and other things sent and received through an official system.
pack a container for carrying things on the back.
physical of the body.
pinch an amount that can be picked up between the thumb and a finger.
poster a sign made of paper or cardboard that is used for advertising, displaying information, or for decoration.
robbery the act of stealing money or property from a person or place; the act of robbing.
room an area of a building separated from similar areas by walls or doors.
short not long in size or time.
snug small and comfortable; cozy.