Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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allergy a reaction of your body to some substance that causes the feeling of illness. Common allergies are to animal hair, dust, pollen, and certain foods such as nuts.
arrest to slow down; block; stop.
chill a mild but uncomfortable coldness.
company a business firm or organization.
curious eager to learn or know.
dye a substance that is used to give color to cloth, hair, or other materials.
jealous feeling angry or sad when you want what another person has.
lack the condition of being without something that is needed.
liberty freedom from being confined or controlled.
lobby to try to influence people who make laws to vote in a way that supports what the group wants.
pot a deep, round container made of metal, clay, glass, or other material. Pots are used for cooking and other purposes.
pray to request in a serious and sincere way, especially of one's god.
slime a slippery liquid, such as thin mud or the slippery substance on fish.
taste to tell the flavor of something by putting it into your mouth.
tool a thing that is used to help a person do work and that is usually held with the hands.