Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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burst to break, open up, or explode suddenly.
campaign a series of planned actions carried out in order to reach a particular goal.
crochet to form by looping thread in a pattern of connected stitches.
defective having a flaw or defect; not perfect.
definition the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
lifeline an anchored line or rope thrown to support a person in danger of drowning or falling.
loop the rounded shape made when a piece of string, ribbon, or rope is crossed back over itself or tied so that it forms a circle.
memory the ability to remember an experience.
mercy kind treatment by someone who has some power over another.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
riot a violent disturbance caused by a large number of people.
senator a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country.
steadily in a regular, even, constant way.
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, sharp excitement.
torture the intentional causing of great physical or emotional pain to a person or animal.