Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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astral of, concerning, emanating from, or resembling the stars; stellar.
bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class.
doctrinaire dogmatically adhering to a theory or a school of thought, regardless of its practicality.
faddish relating to or having the nature of a passing fashion or craze.
incision a cut made during surgery.
intermittent alternately stopping and starting with pauses in between.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
philosophy the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters,
prevaricate to lie, mislead, or conceal the truth deliberately.
rescind to take back or make invalid; revoke.
revert to return to a previous state, practice, belief, or the like.
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading.
synchronize to cause to occur, move, or operate at the same time or rate.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.