Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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decode to change the symbols in a secret language into ordinary language; decipher.
digest to break down into materials that can be absorbed and used by the body.
flee to run away or escape.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
haste speed or hurry.
importance the quality or condition of having great significance or value.
item a single, particular thing in a group or list.
murmur to make a soft, muffled, continuous sound.
patio a paved area next to a house that is used for dining or relaxing outdoors.
perk1 to recover good spirits or energy (usually followed by "up").
repeatedly again and again; many times in a row.
stew to cook by boiling slowly in a closed pot.
tote to carry on one's back or in one's arms or hands.
tumble to roll end over end while falling or while in flight.
whisper to speak in a soft, low tone.