Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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accident reasons or causes that are not planned by anyone.
butter a solid yellow fat made from milk.
cartoon a picture or set of pictures that make people laugh or think. Cartoons often have words that show what a character is thinking or saying.
costume clothing worn to make one look like some other person, animal, or thing.
flake a small, thin piece that has split off from or peeled off of a surface.
happily in a glad, cheerful, or joyful way.
highway a large, important public road.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
pillow a cloth bag filled with soft material used for resting the head while sleeping.
real actual or true.
round shaped like a ball or circle.
sport an activity in which people compete against each other. Sports have rules and require certain physical skills.
stool a seat on tall legs and without arms or a back.
throw to send something through the air using your arm.
waist the part of the body between the chest and hips.