Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beholder one who looks or sees.
drape to decorate or cover with a cloth that hangs in folds.
effective able to make happen or change something.
embarrassed feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others.
member one of the people or things in a particular group.
mime to act or portray with hand and body gestures only.
position the location of a person or thing.
predator an animal that hunts other animals for food.
procedure a series of steps that must be taken in order to do something.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
prove to show to be true or correct.
reliability the quality of being dependable.
specimen a part or example used to represent a larger whole.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
tug to pull at in a strong way.