Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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compression the act or process of pressing down on or together, causing flattening or condensing.
counterfeit made to look like something real in order to cheat people.
enlist to sign up to serve in the military or in some cause.
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate.
ignorance lack of education or information.
incite to bring about, especially by angering or upsetting.
metropolitan having to do with a large city and the communities around it.
negative not helpful or constructive; critical; pessimistic.
predictable able to be foreseen or anticipated.
reassure to make less worried; give back confidence to.
recommend to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good.
resolve to decide firmly and sincerely to do something or that something shall be done.
rupture the act of breaking open or breaking off.
sophistication the quality or condition of having worldly knowledge, elegant refinement, or technological complexity.
subordinate lower in rank or importance; secondary.