Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bruise to hurt a part of your body without breaking the skin.
celebration a party or anything else that people do to honor a special event.
companion one who spends time with another or others.
connect to join together.
crew a group of people who work together.
curl to make into a curved shape.
drive to make something move by using force.
foggy full of or covered by fog.
hammer a tool with a heavy metal head on a handle. A hammer is used to hit things such as nails.
imagination the power of the mind to make a thought or picture of something that is not real.
neat clean and in proper order, or liking to keep things that way.
observe to notice or see.
spy a person who watches in secret to get information about others.
tall of more than average height.
twig a small branch of a tree or other plant.