Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
altercation a loud or angry argument or quarrel.
clairvoyant possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses.
epithet a word or phrase attached to, or used in place of, a given name.
impeach to accuse a person in public office of wrong or improper conduct.
incarnate having bodily form; personified.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
patron a regular customer of a shop, restaurant, or some other business.
redeem to make up for; balance.
reticence the state or quality of being hesitant to speak out; reserve.
shard a piece of a broken object, especially a fragment of pottery or glass.
skiff a small, light boat that may have sails but can be rowed by one oarsman.
subpoena in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.
vernacular spoken by the native or common people of a region or country.