Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
conquer to get or overcome by force.
disclose to make known; tell.
hovel a small, uncomfortable, dirty house or hut.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
ironically contrary to what seemed likely at first or to what one would naturally predict.
opera a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra.
prestigious highly esteemed.
presume to take for granted; assume.
proliferation the act of spreading or multiplying rapidly.
rebellious unwilling to accept one's situation or submit to the will of others.
reform the changing of wrong or bad conditions to make them better.
rejection the act of refusing to accept, take, or believe.
stern1 firm and determined; not flexible.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.