Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
athletic having to do with sports and other physical activities.
considerate thoughtful of the feelings and needs of others.
craft a trade or occupation that requires skill with the hands.
dungeon a dark, damp, underground jail.
historical based upon history.
international having to do with two or more countries or with what happens between two or more countries.
network a system that involves a number of persons or groups.
pastel a pale, soft color.
replacement a person or thing that takes the position of another or takes over the function of another.
rhythm movement marked by the regular repetition of sounds.
slim attractively thin in form; slender.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
unite to join together into a whole; combine.
unravel to undo; reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart.