Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adherent one who supports or follows a person, party, principle, or the like (usually followed by "of").
atheist a person who believes that there is no god or gods.
chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof.
dossier a set of papers or documents that provide detailed information on a particular person or subject.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
effervescence high spirits; excitement; liveliness.
expendable considered able to be replaced, given up, or sacrificed.
piquant of food, having a deliciously sharp or spicy taste.
protract to extend in time; prolong.
reclaim to recover the use of (land areas) by draining, hydrating, or otherwise reconditioning so that the land can be used for agriculture or other purposes.
recompense payment or action to compensate for the expenditure or loss of time, money, property, or the like.
regress to go back or backwards, as in reverting to an earlier form or stage of development.
verve energetic enthusiasm; liveliness.
voluminous having or characterized by great size or quantity.